Q&A with Peter Grünberg, October 2007
After the 2007 Nobel Prize announcements, visitors to Nobelprize.org had the possibility to submit questions to the 2007 Nobel Laureates. Here, Peter Grünberg answers a selection of the questions. Question: Who, or what, inspired you to enter your field of achievement? Bobby Cerini, age 34, Australia Answer: Myself, and my desire to do something significant.…
moreAlbert Fert – Nobel diploma
Nobel diploma
Albert Fert – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Your Majesties, your Royal Highnesses, ladies and gentlemen, it is a great honour for Peter Grünberg and me to accept the Nobel Prize. We express our gratitude to the Royal Academy of Sciences and the Nobel Foundation. We want also to acknowledge the outstanding contributions to our work of many brilliant coworkers.…
morePeter Grünberg – Nobel diploma
Nobel diploma
Leonid Hurwicz – Biographical
This text is adapted from “Leonid Hurwicz’s Game”, by Ann Bauer. Reprinted with permission from the author and Twin Cities Business magazine. Professor Hurwicz says that he is simply a product of his history. He knows from experience how circumstances change when people don’t abide by the rules of the game. “I cannot tell you…