Press release

Press release

21 October 1987 has decided to award the 1987 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences to Professor Robert M. Solow, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, USA, for his contributions to the theory of economic growth. The study of the factors which permit production growth and increased welfare has been a central feature in economic…


Press release

16 October 1986 THIS YEAR’S ECONOMICS PRIZE AWARDED FOR A SYNTHESIS OF THE THEORIES OF POLITICAL AND ECONOMIC DECISION-MAKING (PUBLIC CHOICE) has decided to award the1986 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences to Professor James McGill Buchanan, George Mason University, Virginia, USA, for his development of the contractual and constitutional bases for the theory…


Press release

18 October 1984 THIS YEAR’S PRIZE IN ECONOMICS AWARDED FOR PIONEERING WORK IN THE DEVELOPMENT OF SYSTEMS OF NATIONAL ACCOUNTS has decided to award the 1984 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences to Professor Sir Richard Stone, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom, for having made fundamental contributions to the development of systems of national…


Press release

20 October 1982 THIS YEAR’s PRIZE IN ECONOMICS IS AWARDED FOR RESEARCH ON MARKET PROCESSES AND THE CAUSES AND EFFECTS OF PUBLIC REGULATION has decided to award the 1982 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Science to Professor George Stigler, University of Chicago, USA, for his seminal studies of industrial structures, functioning of markets and…


Press release

15 October 1980 THIS YEAR’s PRIZE IN ECONOMICS AWARDED FOR EMPIRICAL ANALYSES OF BUSINESS FLUCTUATIONS has decided to award the 1980 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences to Professor Lawrence R. Klein, University of Pennsylvania, USA, for the creation of economic models and their application to the analysis of economic fluctuations and economic policies.…


Press release

13 October 1981 THIS YEAR’s PRIZE IN ECONOMICS AWARDED FOR RESEARCH ON THE FINANCIAL SYSTEM AND ITS EFFECTS ON INFLATION AND EMPLOYMENT has decided to award the 1981 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences to Professor James Tobin, Yale University, USA, for his analysis of financial markets and their relations to expenditure decisions, employment,…


Press release

14 October 1977 THIS YEAR’s ECONOMICS PRIZE AWARDED TO BERTIL OHLIN AND JAMES MEADE has decided that the 1977 Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel shall be shared equally by Professor Bertil Ohlin, Stockholm, Sweden, and Professor James Meade, Cambridge, UK, for their pathbreaking contributions to the theory of international trade and…


Press release

16 October 1978 STUDIES OF DECISION-MAKING LEAD TO PRIZE IN ECONOMICS has decided to award the 1978 Alfred Nobel Memorial Prize in Economic Sciences to Professor Herbert A. Simon, Carnegie-Mellon University, USA, for his pioneering research into the decision-making process within economic organizations. Simon’s scientific output goes far beyond the disciplines in which he has…


Press release

14 October 1976 THIS YEAR’s ECONOMICS PRIZE TO AN AMERICAN has decided to award the 1976 Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel to Professor Milton Friedman, University of Chicago, Illinois, USA, for his achievements in the fields of consumption analysis, monetary history and theory, and for his demonstration of the complexity of…


Press release

9 October 1974 ECONOMICS PRIZE FOR WORKS IN ECONOMIC THEORY AND INTER-DISCIPLINARY RESEARCH has awarded the 1974 Prize for Economic Science in Memory of Alfred Nobel to Professor Gunnar Myrdal and Professor Friedrich von Hayek for their pioneering work in the theory of money and economic fluctuations and for their penetrating analysis of the interdependence…
