Economic Sciences

Banquet speech

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen My remarks in connection with the 2009 award to Professor Ostrom and myself of the Nobel Prize in Economic Sciences in memory of Alfred Nobel are in three parts. First, Professor Ostrom and I deeply appreciate the honor that the Nobel Committee has conferred…



Interview transcript [Elinor Ostrom] Hello [Adam Smith] Oh, good morning. May I speak to Elinor Ostrom please? [EO] Yes. [AS] Hello, my name is Adam Smith. I’m calling from the Nobel Foundation’s official website, in Stockholm. [EO] Yes. Adam Smith, what a name! I’m sorry, you’re…



Interview transcript [Oliver Williamson] Hello? [Adam Smith] Oh, good morning. Professor Williamson, my name is Adam Smith. I’m calling from the Nobel Foundation website in Stockholm, Sweden. [OW] Oh yes. [AS] Where, of course, it has just been announced that you have been awarded this year’s…
