Award ceremony speech

Award ceremony speech

  Presentation Speech by Professor P. Reichard, Member of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine of the Your Majesty, Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. During the fall of 1868, exactly 100 years ago, a young Swiss physician by the name of Friedrich Miescher isolated a new type of compound from cell nuclei. He called…


Award ceremony speech

  Presentation Speech by Professor Bengt Pernow of the Translation from the Swedish text Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, Hippocrates, the Father of Medicine, taught us that good health requires the four humors – blood from the heart, phlegm from the brain, and the yellow and black bile from the liver and…


Award ceremony speech

Swedish Presentationstal av Professor Jan Andersson, ledamot av , ledamot av Nobelkommittén för fysiologi eller medicin, 10 December 2008 Professor Jan Andersson presenterar Nobelpriset i fysiologi eller medicin 2008 i Stockholms Konserthus. Eders Majestäter, Eders Kungliga Högheter, mina Damer och Herrar, Årets Nobelpris i Fysiologi eller Medicin belönar två upptäckter av virus som…


Award ceremony speech

  Presentation Speech by Professor Börje Uvnäs, Member of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine of the Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. The work for which this year’s Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine has been awarded has its origin in earlier prize-winning discoveries. It is wellknown that nerve impulses are…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor J. Åkerman, member of the Nobel Committee for Physiology or Medicine of the , on December 10, 1912 Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. The Staff of Professors of the Royal Caroline Institute has awarded the Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine to Doctor Alexis Carrel of the Rockefeller…


Award ceremony speech

  Presentation Speech by Professor Hans Wigzell of the Translation from the Swedish text Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is typical for the human mind that little thought goes to the functions of our body when we are healthy, yet acute interest frequently develops in times of disease. The immune system…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor G. Liljestrand, member of the Staff of Professors of the , on December 10, 1936 Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. In the second book of his famous work on the history of Rome, Livy has described how Menenius Agrippa, sent out by the Senate to attempt to bring…


Award ceremony speech

  Presentation Speech by Professor Lars Klareskog of the Nobel Committee at the Translation of the Swedish text Your Majesties, Your Royal Highness, Ladies and Gentlemen, Peter Doherty and Rolf Zinkernagel are receiving their Prizes for their discoveries concerning the specificity of the cell mediated immune defense, or to be more precise – they discovered…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor Peter Reichard of the Translation from the Swedish text Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, How does a cancercell arise? What distinguishes it from a normal cell? Cancercells are social misfits, outside the control of the organism. The capacity for unlimited growth is inherited from generation to generation. The…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor Sten Lindahl of the at the Karolinska Institutet, December 10, 1998. Translation of the Swedish text. Professor Sten Lindahl delivering the Presentation Speech for the 1998 Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine at the Stockholm Concert Hall.   Your Majesties, Your Royal Highness, Ladies and Gentlemen, When Robert Furchgott,…
