Popular information
Popular information
The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017 Jacques Dubochet, Joachim Frank and Richard Henderson are awarded the Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2017 for their development of an effective method for generating three-dimensional images of the molecules of life. Using cryo-electron microscopy, researchers can now freeze biomolecules midmovement and portray them at atomic resolution. This technology has…
morePressmeddelande: Nobelpriset i kemi 2017
Press release
Swedish 4 oktober 2017 har beslutat utdela Nobelpriset i kemi 2017 till Jacques Dubochet Université de Lausanne, Schweiz Joachim Frank Columbia University, New York, USA and Richard Henderson MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Cambridge, Storbritannien “för utveckling av kryoelektronmikroskopi för högupplösande strukturbestämning av biomolekyler i lösning” Cool mikroskopiteknik revolutionerar biokemin Snart kan vi ha…
moreRichard Henderson – Other resources
Other resources
Links to other sites Video In this video from the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology, Richard Henderson describes the development of cryo-electron microscopy and two other scientists from the MRC Laboratory of Molecular Biology explain how the technique is being used to solve key problems in human health.
moreJacques Dubochet – Nobel diploma
Nobel diploma
Artist: Berndt Wennström Calligrapher: Marie A. Györi, monogram: Marianne Pettersson Soold Book binder: Leonard Gustafssons Bokbinderi AB Photo reproduction: Lovisa Engblom