

I was born into an upper-middle class family in a village in the South of Sweden in April, 1899. It was a large family with seven children, a large house and a home which was very hospitable and open to friends and relatives. There was a private school which was not very particular about the…



Born on 23 June 1907, I was brought up in the City of Bath in England. At school – Lambrook School (1917-1921) and Malvern College (1917-1926) – my education was concentrated on the Latin and Greek languages. At the university – Oriel College, Oxford (1926-1930) – I continued my classical education until 1928. I then…



I was born July 31, 1912, in Brooklyn, N.Y., the fourth and last child and first son of Sarah Ethel (Landau) and Jeno Saul Friedman. My parents were born in Carpatho-Ruthenia (then a province of Austria-Hungary; later, part of inter-war Czechoslovakia, and, currently, of the Soviet Union). They emigrated to the U.S. in their teens,…



I was born in 1910 in ‘s Graveland, the Netherlands, the third son of Sjoerd Koopmans and Wijtske van der Zee. Both my parents had been trained as schoolteachers and my father was principal of the (Protestant) “School with the Bible”. Our house was squeezed between the two sections of that school. The row of…



I was born in Petersburg (Leningrad) on 19th January 1912. My father, Vitalij Kantorovich, died in 1922 and it was my mother, Paulina (Saks), who brought me up. Some of the first events of my childhood were the February and the October Revolutions of 1917, and a one-year trip to Byelorussia during the Civil War.…



Gunnar Myrdal was born in Gustaf’s parish, Sweden, on December 6, 1898. He graduated from the Law School of Stockholm University in 1923 and began practicing law while continuing his studies at the university. He received his juris doctor degree in economics in 1927 and was appointed docent in political economy. From 1925 to 1929…



Born: May 8, 1899, Vienna, Austria (son of Dr. August von Hayek, Professor of Botany at the University of Vienna and Felicitas née Juraschek) Education 1918-1921 Studies at University of Vienna 1921 Dr. jur., University of Vienna 1923 Dr. rer. pol, University of Vienna March 1923 -June 1924 Postgraduate work, New York University   Academic…



I was born August 5, 1906, and spent my childhood and youth in St. Petersburg (now Leningrad) where my father was a professor of economics. Among my early indelible memories are: the country plunged into deep mourning the day of Leo Tolstoy’s death; stray bullets whistling by during the first days of the February Revolution;…



I was born in 1904 at Warwick, England, where my father was a journalist on a local newspaper. I was educated at Clifton College (1917-22) and at Balliol College, Oxford (1922-26), an expensive education financed by mathematical scholarships. Thus, during my school days, and in my first year at Oxford, I was a mathematical specialist;…



I was born in Russia in 1901, of Jewish parents, and came to the United States in 1922 to join my father who left Russia for the United States before World War I. My university studies began in Russia, and were completed at Columbia University (B.Sc. in 1923, M.A. in 1924, Ph.D. in 1926). It…
