Alfred Nobel

Miscellaneous Missing Books Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Agrell Alfhild På landsbygden. Skildringar. Sthlm 1887 Annuaire   Annuaire des Chateaux 1888-89.   Balzac Honoré de Physiologie du mariage. Paris Berndson   Svensk-fransk ordbok.   Bourget Paul Un coeur de femme. Paris 1890 Chavette Eugène Aimé de son concierge. Paris Dictionnaire…


The major part of Alfred Nobel’s private library is preserved at the Alfred Nobel Museum at Björkborn Manor, near Karlskoga, Sweden.   Humanities Encyclopedias, Reference Books Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Bossu Antonin Nouveau dictionnaire d’histoire naturelle et des phénomènes de la nature. Ouvrage enrichi d’un très grand nombre…


The major part of Alfred Nobel’s private library is preserved at the Alfred Nobel Museum at Björkborn Manor, near Karlskoga, Sweden.   Sciences Patents Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Armengaud Résumé des lois sur les brevets d’invention dans tous les pays. Ill. 16e éd. Paris u. å. Librairie techn.…


Sciences Biology Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Blanchard Emile Métamorphoses. Moeurs et instincts des insectes. (Insectes, myriapodes, arachnides, crustagés). Ill. 2e éd. Paris 1877 Germer Baillière Cooke M. C. Les Champignons. (Bibliothèque scientifique internationale). Paris 1875 Germer Baillière Darwin Charles The origin of species by means of natural selection,…


The major part of Alfred Nobel’s private library is preserved at the Alfred Nobel Museum at Björkborn Manor, near Karlskoga, Sweden.   Sciences Chemistry and Technology Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Abel Frederick Augustus Accidents in mines. With an abstract of the discussion upon the paper. (Brochure) London 1888…


Sciences Physics and Astronomy Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Cazin A. La spectroscopie. (Actualités scientifiques.). Ill. Paris 1878 Gauthier- Villars Daguin P. A. Traité élémentaire de physique théorique et expérimentale avec ses applications à la météorologie et aux arts industriels. T. 1-4. Ill. 3e éd. Paris 1867-1868 Tandou Daubrée…


The major part of Alfred Nobel’s private library is preserved at the Alfred Nobel Museum at Björkborn Manor, near Karlskoga, Sweden.   Humanities Fine Arts Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Catalogue général Catalogue général contenant les Œuvres d’art, 1-10. T. 1-2. Exposition universelle de 1867 à Paris. Paris 1867…


Humanities Travels (incl. health resorts) Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Baedeker Karl Italien. Handbuch für Reisende. T. 1. Ober-Italien bis Livorno, Florenz und Ravenna nebst den Insel Corsica. Ill. 11:te Aufl. Leipzig 1886 Karl Baedeker Baedeker Karl Italien. Handbuch für Reisende. T. 3. Unter-Italien und Sicilien nebst Ausflügen nach……


The major part of Alfred Nobel’s private library is preserved at the Alfred Nobel Museum at Björkborn Manor, near Karlskoga, Sweden.   Humanities Swedish Fiction Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Benedictsson Viktoria Pengar. 2:a uppl. Sthlm 1889 Haeggström Benedictsson Viktoria Folklif och småberättelser. Novell af Ernst Ahlgren. Sthlm 1887…
