Ragnar Granit – Other resources
Other resources
Links to other sites with information of Ragnar Granit and the complete archive of his scientific publications.
moreGeorge Porter – Biographical
George Porter was born in the West Riding of Yorkshire on the 6th December 1920. He married Stella Jean Brooke on the 25th August 1949 and they have two sons, John and Andrew. His first education was at local primary and grammar schools and in 1938 he went, as Ackroyd Scholar, to Leeds University. His…
moreMiguel Angel Asturias – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Spanish Conferencia Nobel, el 12 de diciembre de 1967 La novela latinoamericana Testimonio de una época Hubiera querido que a este encuentro no se le llamara conferencia sino coloquio, diálogo de dudas y afirmaciones sobre el tema que nos ocupa. Empezaremos analizando los antecedentes de la literatura latinoamericana en general, deteniendo nuestra atención en aquellos…
moreMiguel Angel Asturias – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Spanish Miguel Angel Asturias’ speech at the Nobel Banquet at the City Hall in Stockholm, December 10, 1967 (in Spanish) Majestad, Altezas Reales, Señoras y Señores: Mi voz en el umbral. Mi voz llegada de muy lejos, de mi Guatemala natal. Mi voz en el umbral de esta . Es difícil entrar a formar parte…
moreMiguel Angel Asturias – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
English Nobel Lecture, 12th December 1967 (Translation) The Latin American Novel Testimony of an Epoch I would have preferred this meeting to have been called a colloquium instead of lecture – a dialogue of doubts and assertions on the subject that concerns us. Let us start by analysing the antecedents of Latin American literature in…
moreMiguel Angel Asturias – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
English Miguel Angel Asturias’ speech at the Nobel Banquet at the City Hall in Stockholm, December 10, 1967 (Translation) My voice on the threshold. My voice coming from afar. On the threshold of the . It is difficult to become a member of a family. And it is easy. The stars know it. The families…
moreNobel Banquet Menu 1967
Saumon fumé Fond d´artichauts aux épinards Crème raifort Canard sauvage provençale Sauce madère et salade Poire Nobel Gala VINS Pommery & Greno Brut Château Laurensanne 1961 Café Liqueurs Marie Brizard & Strega Cognac Courvoisier BUFFET