
Interview transcript What is science and what is science in relation to other ways for humans to deal with the wonders of life, like literature and poetry or music or arts or religion. This is what we are going to talk about today. Welcome to this interview Roald Hoffman. Maybe we will…


Banquet speech

Kenichi Fukui’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1981 Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have the privilege to speak on behalf of Professor Roald Hoffmann and myself and to express first of all our deepest gratitude for the high honour and warm hospitality that have been given us on this…



German Auftritt des Hexenmeisters Wie sehr ich mich verändert hatte, erkannte ich an den Besuchen des Großvaters. Er kam erst nach Zürich, als er mich allein wußte. Die Spannung zwischen ihm und der Mutter war wohl gewachsen, einige Jahre ging er ihr aus dem Weg, aber sie schrieben sich regelmäßig. Während des Krieges bekam er…


Banquet speech

Elias Canetti’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1981 (in German) Eure Majestäten, Eure Königlichen Hoheiten, meine Damen und Herren, Einer Stadt, die man kennt, verdankt man viel und einer, die man kennen möchte, wenn man sich lange vergeblich nach ihr sehnt, vielleicht noch mehr. Aber es gibt, glaube ich, im Leben eines Menschen…



English The Appearance of the Sorcerer I could tell how much I had changed by my grandfather’s visits. He came to Zurich only when he knew I was alone. The tension between him and Mother must have grown; for several years he avoided her, but they corresponded regularly. During the war, he received postcards telling…



Roger Wolcott Sperry by Norman H. Horowitz This article was published on 23 July 1997. Roger Wolcott Sperry (1913-1994) was born in Hartford, Connecticut and grew up on a farm outside Hartford. He attended Hartford public schools. At West Hartford High School he was a star athlete in several sports, but he also did well…


Nobel Lecture

Lecture presentation Nobel Lecture NB. As Dr Sperry was disabled to give the lecture himself, it was read by Professor David Ottoson. Dr Sperry sat in the front row listening to the lecture and accepted the applause at the end.   Nobel Lecture, 8 December 1981 Some Effects of Disconnecting…
