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For natural biological molecules to interact effectively they need to identify that they are at the correct location, and the most effective means for achieving this lies in recognising their partner’s shape and the chemistry of their interaction. The best-known instance of this molecular recognition is the way in which enzymes are shaped exactly to…



English Seven Strophes I was but what you’d brush with your palm, what your leaning brow would hunch to in evening’s raven-black hush. I was but what your gaze in that dark could distinguish: a dim shape to begin with, later – features, a face. It was you, on my right, on my left, with…



English Excerpt from Watermark I always adhered to the idea that God is time, or at least that His spirit is. Perhaps this idea was even of my own manufacture, but now I don’t remember. In any case, I always thought that if the Spirit of God moved upon the face of the water, the…



Swedish Utdrag ur Vattenspegel Jag har alltid varit anhängare av tanken att Gud är tid, eller åtminstone att Hans Ande är det. Kanske är tanken till och med av eget fabrikat, men det minns jag inte nu. Hur som helst har jag alltid tänkt att om Guds Ande rört sig över vattenytan, måste vattnet med…



Swedish Sju strofer och dagar Jag var bara det, som du berörde med handen, över vilket du lutade pannan i nattens korpsvarta djup. Jag var bara det, som du vagt kunde skönja där nere; först oklarheten inkarnerad, långt senare – ansiktsdrag. Det var du som, het, i mitt vänstra och mitt högra öra skapade musslan…
