Frédéric Joliot – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Frédéric Joliot – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Frédéric Joliot’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1935 (in French) Altesses Royales, Mesdames, Messieurs, Qu’il me soit permis au nom de Madame Joliot-Curie et de moi-même d’exprimer toute notre admiration et notre reconnaissance à l’œuvre fondée par Alfred Nobel, de remercier les savants suédois du grand honneur qu’il nous ont fait…
moreIrène Joliot-Curie – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture, December 12, 1935 Artificial Production of Radioactive Elements It is a great honour and a great pleasure to us that the has awarded us the Nobel Prize for our work on the synthesis of radio-elements, after having presented it to in 1903, and to in 1911, for the discovery of the radio-elements. I…
moreNobelpriset i kemi 2004 – Populärvetenskaplig information
Popular information
Swedish Populärvetenskaplig information 6 oktober 2004 En mänsklig cell innehåller hundratusentals olika proteiner. Dessa har en rad olika och viktiga funktioner: som påskyndare av kemiska reaktioner i form av enzymer, som signalsubstanser i form av hormoner, som viktiga aktörer i immunförsvaret i form av antikroppar och genom att stå för form och struktur i cellen.…
moreTranscript from an interview with Avram Hershko
Transcript from an interview with Avram Hershko, 2004 Nobel Laureate in Chemistry, at the 57th Meeting of Nobel Laureates in Lindau, Germany, July 2007. The interviewer is Adam Smith, Editor-in-Chief of Avram Hershko, it is a great pleasure to meet you. Avram Hershko: Same here.…
moreAvram Hershko – Interview
Interview transcript – Hello. – Hello Avram. Congratulations to the prize. My name is Joanna Rose and I call from the, which is the official website of The Nobel Foundation. – Yes. – My congratulations to the prize. – Thank you. –…
morePressmeddelande: Nobelpriset i kemi 2010
Press release
6 oktober 2010 har beslutat utdela Nobelpriset i kemi år 2010 till Richard F. Heck University of Delaware, Newark, DE, USA, Ei-ichi Negishi Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA och Akira Suzuki Hokkaido University, Sapporo, Japan “för palladiumkatalyserade korskopplingar i organisk syntes” Storartad konst i ett provrör Den organiska kemin har utvecklats till en konstart…