Economic Sciences

Curriculum Vitae

Born: September 15, 1937, Yakima, Washington, USA Address: 460 West Barry Avenue, Chicago, IL 60657, USA   Education 1959 University of Chicago, B.A., History 1964 University of Chicago, Ph.D., Economics   Fellowships and honors 1955-59 Proctor and Gamble Scholarship 1959-60 Woodrow Wilson Fellowship 1961-62 Brookings Fellowship 1963 Woodrow Wilson Dissertation Fellowship 1966-67 Ford Foundation Faculty…


Banquet speech

Robert E. Lucas, Jr’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1995 Your Majesties, Ladies and Gentlemen, As you all know, Alfred Nobel did not choose to establish a prize in Economics. This prize was established in the 1960s, as a memorial, through the generosity of the Bank of Sweden. Generosity and, I would say,…


Banquet speech

John C. Harsanyi’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1994 Your Majesties, Your Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to say a few words on behalf of John Nash, Reinhard Selten and myself. Of course, we all feel greatly honored by the decision of the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences to award the…
