Economic Sciences

Nobel Lecture

Lecture to the memory of Alfred Nobel, December 9, 1993 Economic Performance through Time I Economic history is about the performance of economies through time. The objective of research in the field is not only to shed new light on the economic past but also to contribute to economic theory by providing an analytical framework…


Banquet speech

Douglass C. North’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1993 Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, On behalf of my fellow economic historian and close friend Robert Fogel and myself, I would like to express our gratitude to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for the immense honor bestowed on us today.…


Nobel Lecture

Lecture to the memory of Alfred Nobel, December 9, 1993 Economic Growth, Population Theory, and Physiology: The Bearing of Long-Term Processes on the Making of Economic Policy Pdf 857 kB


Banquet speech

Gary S. Becker’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1992 Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, I would like to express my gratitude to the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences for the superb honor conferred on me. It is not necessary to have special reasons to be happy to be here, but…


Banquet speech

Ronald H. Coase’s speech at the Nobel Banquet, December 10, 1991 Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, I have been deeply moved by the honour paid to me by the Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences and by the recognition thus given to the study of the institutional structure of the economy. By drawing…


Nobel Lecture

Lecture to the memory of Alfred Nobel, December 9, 1991 The Institutional Structure of Production In my long life I have known some great economists but I have never counted myself among their number nor walked in their company. I have made no innovations in high theory. My contribution to economics has been to urge…



I was born on June 16, 1934 in Boston, Massachusetts. At that time my parents had completed their undergraduate educations – my father in English literature, my mother in science. My father was then employed at Harvard University, working in the placement office. In 1940, world events led to the activation of my father’s National…
