Press release
Press release
The following account of Willstätter’s work is by Professor O. Hammarsten, Chairman of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry of By its property of making possible the assimilation of carbon dioxide under the influence of sunlight and hence introducing the synthesis of organic substances in the green parts of the plant, chlorophyll – as is well…
morePress release
Press release
23 October 1973 has decided to award the 1973 Nobel Prize in Chemistry half each to: Professor Ernst Otto Fischer, Technical University of Munich, Munich, Federal Republic of Germany and Professor Geoffrey Wilkinson, Imperial College, London, Great Britain for their pioneering work performed independently on the chemistry of the organometallic, so called sandwich compounds. “Chemistry…
morePress release
Press release
17 October 1990 has decided to award the 1990 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Professor Elias James Corey, Harvard University, Cambridge, Massachusetts, USA, for his development of the theory and methodology of organic synthesis. Prize for masterly development of organic synthesis The development of the art of organic synthesis during little over a hundred years…
morePressmeddelande: Nobelpriset i kemi 1995
Press release
Swedish har beslutat att utdela 1995 års Nobelpris i kemi till Professor Paul Crutzen, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz, Tyskland (nederländsk medborgare), Professor Mario Molina, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences och Department of Chemistry, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA och Professor F. Sherwood Rowland, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, CA, USA för deras…
morePress release
Press release
English 12 October 1999 has awarded the 1999 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Professor Ahmed H. Zewail, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA for showing that it is possible with rapid laser technique to see how atoms in a molecule move during a chemical reaction. The Academy’s citation: For his studies of the transition states…
morePressmitteilung: Der Nobelpreis in Chemie 1995
Press release
German hat beschlossen, den Nobelpreis in Chemie für das Jahr 1995 an Professor Paul Crutzen, Max-Planck-Institut für Chemie, Mainz, Deutschland (niederländischer Staatsangehöriger), Professor Mario Molina, Department of Earth, Atmospheric and Planetary Sciences und Department of Chemistry, MIT, Cambridge, MA, USA und Professor F. Sherwood Rowland, Department of Chemistry, University of California, Irvine, USA wegen ihrer…
morePress release
Press release
11 October 1977 has decided to award the 1977 Nobel Prize in Chemistry to Professor Ilya Prigogine, Université Libre de Bruxelles, Belgium, for his contributions to non-equilibrium thermodynamics, particularly the theory of dissipative structures ORDER FROM DISORDER LED TO NOBEL PRIZE IN CHEMISTRY Thermodynamics is a central branch of modern science, and its general laws…
moreCommuniqué de presse: Le Prix Nobel de Chimie de 1999
Press release
French 12 Octobre 1999 a attribué le Prix Nobel de Chimie de l’année 1999 au Professeur Ahmed H. Zewail, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, États-Unis pour avoir montré qu’il est possible, grâce à une technique laser ultrarapide, d’observer le mouvement des atomes d’une molécule au cours des réactions chimiques. Motivation de l’Académie des Sciences: Pour…
morePress release
Press release
19 October 1981 has decided to award the 1981 Nobel Prize in chemistry jointly to Professor Kenichi Fukui, Kyoto University, Kyoto, Japan, and the other half to Professor Roald Hoffmann, Cornell University, Ithaca, NY, USA, for their theories, developed independently, concerning the course of chemical reactions CHEMISTRY PRIZE AWARDED FOR INCREASING OUR UNDERSTANDING OF CHEMICAL…
morePressmeddelande: Nobelpriset i kemi 1999
Press release
Swedish 12 oktober 1999 har utdelat 1999 års Nobelpris i kemi till Professor Ahmed H. Zewail, California Institute of Technology, Pasadena, USA för att han har visat att man med snabb laserteknik kan se hur atomerna i en molekyl rör sig under en kemisk reaktion. Vetenskapsakademiens motivering: För hans studier av kemiska reaktioners övergångstillstånd med…