
Selman Abraham Waksman was born in Priluka, near Kiev, Russia, on July 22nd, 1888, as the son of Jacob Waksman and Fradia London. He received his early education primarily from private tutors, and completed his school training in Odessa in an evening school and with private tutors. He obtained his matriculation diploma in 1910 from…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor A. Wallgren, member of the Staff of Professors of the Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. Shortly after the discovery of the tubercle bacillus by in 1882 a search was made for an effective therapeutic agent against this germ. Eight years later Koch announced that he had succeeded in…



Archer John Porter Martin was born on March 1st, 1910, in London where his father was a general medical practitioner. He attended Bedford School from 1921 to 1929 when he entered Cambridge University to graduate in 1932. After a year in the Physical Chemistry Laboratory he obtained a post at the Dunn Nutritional Laboratory, where…



Richard Laurence Millington Synge was born at Liverpool on October 28th, 1914, as the son of Laurence Millington Synge, of Liverpool Stock Exchange, and Katharine Charlotte Swan. In 1928 he went to Winchester College, where he studied mainly classics until 1931, thereafter natural science. In 1933 he entered Trinity College, University of Cambridge and studied…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by , member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry of Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. This year’s Nobel Prize in Chemistry is awarded for the discovery of a method for the separation of substances from complicated mixtures. How can it happen, one may ask, that something apparently so commonplace as…
