
I was born on 7 September 1917 at Sydney in Australia. My father was English-born and a graduate of Oxford; my mother, born Hilda Eipper, was descended from a German minister of religion who settled in New South Wales in 1832. I was the second of four children. Part of my childhood was spent in…


Press release

14 October 1975 has decided to award the Prize in Economic Science in Memory of Alfred Nobel for 1975 in equal shares to Professor Leonid Kantorovich, USSR, and Professor Tjalling C. Koopmans, USA, for their contributions to the theory of optimum allocation of resources. Optimum Allocation of Resources Leonid Kantorovich and Tjalling Koopmans have both…



I was born in Catanzaro, Italy, from a Calabrese mother and a Ligurian father. I stayed in that city for a short time; my father was called into the army (World War I) and we moved to the north, Cuneo and Torino. At the end of the war my father, who was in the “Genio…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Professor Ragnar Bentzel of the Translation from the Swedish text Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, The basic economic problems are the same in all societies, regardless of whether these are characterized by capitalism, socialism or other types of political organization. As the supply of productive resources is limited, everywhere,…



I was born in 1910 in ‘s Graveland, the Netherlands, the third son of Sjoerd Koopmans and Wijtske van der Zee. Both my parents had been trained as schoolteachers and my father was principal of the (Protestant) “School with the Bible”. Our house was squeezed between the two sections of that school. The row of…



I was born in Petersburg (Leningrad) on 19th January 1912. My father, Vitalij Kantorovich, died in 1922 and it was my mother, Paulina (Saks), who brought me up. Some of the first events of my childhood were the February and the October Revolutions of 1917, and a one-year trip to Byelorussia during the Civil War.…
