Czesław Miłosz – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Polish 8 grudnia 1980 Odczyt z okazji otrzymania Nagrody Nobla I. Moje znalezienie się na tej trybunie powinno być argumentem dla tych wszystkich, którzy sławią daną nam od Boga, cudownie złożoną, nieobliczalność życia. W moich latach szkolnych czytałem tomy wydawanej w Polsce serii “Biblioteka Laureatów Nobla”, pamiętam kształt liter i kolor papieru. Myślałem wtedy, że…
moreFrederick Sanger – Interview
Interview transcript Dr Frederick Sanger, welcome to this Nobel interview. You are one of the very few persons that have been awarded Nobel Prize twice. So I suppose that maybe you know how to do it. Many people would like to get Nobel Prize but they don’t. Can you share your secret…
morePaul Berg – Interview
Interview transcript Professor Paul Berg, welcome to Stockholm and to the Nobel interview. Paul Berg: Thank you. You received another prize in 1980 for your pioneering work on recombinant DNA, the molecule that governs chemical machinery in all living cells, so in some sense one may say that you are the father…
moreVal Fitch – Biographical
I was born the youngest of three children, on a cattle ranch in Cherry County, Nebraska, not far from the South Dakota border, on March 10, 1923. This is a very sparsely populated part of the United States and remote from any center of population. It seems incredible by modern standards that by the age…