Press release
Press release
Press release
Swedish Academy The Permanent Secretary Press release October 1986 The Nobel Prize in Literature 1986 Wole Soyinka This year’s Nobel Prize in literature goes to an African writer, Wole Soyinka from Nigeria. Now in his early fifties, he has a large and richly varied literary production behind him and is in his prime as an…
morePress release
Press release
English The Permanent Secretary Press release 11 October 2007 The Nobel Prize in Literature 2007 Doris Lessing The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2007 is awarded to the English writer Doris Lessing “that epicist of the female experience, who with scepticism, fire and visionary power has subjected a divided civilisation to scrutiny”. The Swedish Academy
morePress release
Press release
Swedish Academy The Permanent Secretary Press release October 1987 The Nobel Prize in Literature 1987 Joseph Brodsky This year’s Nobel Prize winner in Literature was born in Leningrad and lives in New York. Aged only 47 he is one of the youngest ever to have been awarded a Nobel Prize in Literature. A sign of…
morePress release
Press release
Swedish Academy The Permanent Secretary Press release October 13, 1988 The Nobel Prize in Literature 1988 Naguib Mahfouz Through the Swedish Academy’s decision this year the Nobel Prize in Literature has for the first time been awarded to an Egyptian. Naguib Mahfouz was born and lives in Cairo. He is also the first literary Nobel…
morePressmeddelande: Nobelpriset i kemi 2004
Press release
Swedish 6 oktober 2004 har beslutat utdela Nobelpriset i kemi år 2004 “för upptäckten av ubiquitinmedierad proteinnedbrytning” gemensamt till Aaron Ciechanover Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel, Avram Hershko Technion – Israel Institute of Technology, Haifa, Israel och Irwin Rose University of California, Irvine, USA. Dödsmärkning av proteiner Proteiner bygger upp allt levande:…
morePress release
Press release
English The Permanent Secretary Press release 6 October 2011 The Nobel Prize in Literature 2011 Tomas Tranströmer The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2011 is awarded to the Swedish poet Tomas Tranströmer “because, through his condensed, translucent images, he gives us fresh access to reality”.
morePress release
Press release
Swedish Academy The Permanent Secretary Press release October 1983 The Nobel Prize in Literature 1983 William Golding William Golding’s first novel, Lord of the Flies, 1954, rapidly became a world success and has so remained. It has reached readers who can be numbered in tens of millions. In other words, the book was a bestseller,…
moreNobelpriset i litteratur år 2011 – Pressmeddelande
Press release
Swedish Ständige sekreteraren Pressmeddelande 6 oktober 2011 Nobelpriset i litteratur år 2011 Tomas Tranströmer Nobelpriset i litteratur år 2011 tilldelas den svenske poeten Tomas Tranströmer ”för att han i förtätade, genomlysta bilder ger oss ny tillgång till det verkliga”.
moreEl premio Nobel de literatura 2011 – Nota de prensa
Press release
Spanish Secretario permanente Nota de prensa 6 de octubre del 2011 El premio Nobel de literatura 2011 Tomas Tranströmer El premio Nobel de literatura 2011 ha sido otorgado al poeta sueco Tomas Tranströmer ”por ofrecernos, en imágenes densas y diáfanas, una nueva vía de acceso a lo real”.
moreDer Nobelpreis in Literatur des Jahres 2011 – Pressemitteilung
Press release
German Der ständige Sekretär Pressemitteilung 6. Oktober 2011 Der Nobelpreis in Literatur des Jahres 2011 Tomas Tranströmer Der Nobelpreis in Literatur des Jahres 2011 wird dem schwedischen Poeten Tomas Tranströmer verliehen „weil er uns in komprimierten, erhellenden Bildern neue Wege zum Wirklichen weist“.