Economic Sciences

Banquet speech

Simon Kuznets’ speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1971 Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellency, Ladies and Gentlemen, When, over fifty years ago, I first became interested in economics – as a discipline that provided the key to social structure and social problems – it never crossed my mind that one day I…


Banquet speech

Paul A. Samuelson’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1970 Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, The dream of any scholar has for me come true by virtue of this award. The Nobel Prizes are justly famous in the hard sciences, in literature, and for peace. Imagine then how my…



Is there life after Nobel coronation? by Paul A. Samuelson1970 laureate in economic sciences7 March 2002 The role of luck Young Einsteins and Bohrs may have been inspired to be more creative and harder workers by the dream of winning a Nobel Prize. Since there was no political economy Nobel award before 1968, that could…


Banquet speech

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I want to begin by observing that scientific research is a communal activity and that neither Bengt Holmström nor I could have won this prize without the help of many others. We had the crucial support of our teachers, co-authors, students, and…
