
Nobel Symposia

Interpreter’s note This is a live recording of members of AIIC, the International Association of Conference Interpreters, interpreting simultaneously at the Nobel Centennial Symposia. It is not intended to be a literal or definitive translation of the proceedings.


Nobel Lecture

Spanish Acceptance and Nobel Lecture, December 10, 1992 (in Spanish) Honorables señores del Comité Nobel de la Paz,Sus majestades los Reyes de Noruega,Excelentísima señora Primer Ministro,Excelentísimos miembros de gobiernos y del Cuerpo Diplomático,Apreciables compatriotas guatemaltecos,Señoras y señores. Me llena de emoción y orgullo la distinción que se me hace al otorgarme el Premio Nobel de…


Nobel Lecture

English Acceptance and Nobel Lecture, December 10, 1992 (Translation) Your Majesties, the King and Queen of Norway,The Honorable Members of the Nobel Peace Committee,Your Excellency, the Prime Minister,Your Excellencies, Members of the Government and the Diplomatic Corps,Dear Guatemalan countrymen and women,Ladies and Gentlemen, I feel a deep emotion and pride for the honor of having…


Acceptance Speech

English As the Laureate was unable to be present on the occasion of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, December 10, 1990, the acceptance was read by Mr Andrej Kovaljov, First Deputy Foreign Minister of the Soviet Union. (Translation) Your Majesty, Esteemed Chairman of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Ladies and gentlemen, I…


Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture, January 9, 1989 by Secretary-General Javier Pérez de Cuéllar Mr. Chairman, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, I should like first of all, to once again thank the Norwegian Nobel Committee for the award they have made to the United Nations Peacekeeping Operations. Their decision has been acclaimed all over the world. I take this…


Acceptance Speech

Acceptance by Javier Pérez de Cuéllar, on the occasion of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, December 10, 1988 (Translation) Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Mr Chairman, Ladies and Gentlemen, I should like to thank you, Mr Chairman, and the other members of the Norwegian , for the award which I have…
