Economic Sciences

Banquet speech

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Your Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, My Teachers, My Students, and My Students Who Have Become My Teachers: My good and dear friend Chris Sims and I thank you for recognizing the many women and men like us who use statistics and economic theory to understand how governments…


Other resources

The Laureates Thomas J. Sargent, New York University, New York, NY, USA. Christopher A. Sims, Harold H. Helm ’20 Professor of Economics and Banking at Princeton University, Princeton, NJ, USA. Interviews Evans G.W. and Honkapohja S. (2005) An Interview with Thomas Sargent, Macroeconomic Dynamics, 9, 561–583. Hansen, L.P. (2004) An Interview with Christopher A. Sims,…
