Alfred Nobel
Alfred Nobel’s Private Library – Danish Fiction
Humanities Danish Fiction Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Andersen Hans Christian Eventyr og historier. Bd 1-2. Kbhvn 1862- 63 Reitzels forlag Andersen Hans Christian Nye Eventyr og historier. Bd 1-2. Kbhvn 1870 – 71 Reitzels forlag Bang Herman Faedra. Brudstykker af et livs historie. Kbhvn 1883 J. H.…
moreAlfred Nobel’s Private Library, Björkborn
Humanities French Fiction Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher About Edmond Le roman d’un brave homme. Paris 1883 Hachette Antic Joseph d’ Mes loisirs. Album des familles. Lectures amusantes et instructives. Ill. Paris 1884 La France illustrée Balzac Honoré de Eugénie Grandet. Oeuvres complètes. Scènes de la vie de…
moreAlfred Nobel’s private library – Russian fiction
The major part of Alfred Nobel’s private library is preserved at the Alfred Nobel Museum at Björkborn Manor, near Karlskoga, Sweden. Humanities Russian Fiction Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Gogol Nikolaj Polnoe Sobranie Sotjinenij. 1-4 [“Samlade verk”: 1. Berättelser 2. Berätttelser, dramer (Revisorn) 3. Berättelser, brev till vänner 4.…
moreAlfred Nobel’s Private Library, Björkborn
Humanities Cultural History Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Bassanville /Anaïs/ comtesse de Code du cérémonial. Guide des gens du monde dans toutes les circonstances de la vie. 30e éd. Paris /1867/ Alfred Duquesne. Cohnfeld Emil /Signor Domino/ Der Cirkus und die Cirkuswelt, von signor Domino (pseud.). Berlin 1888 Fischer…
moreAlfred Nobel’s Private Library, Björkborn
Humanities Peace Literature Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Alsace Alsace – Lorraine et le mouvement pacifique. Paris 1895 Always Always arbitrate before you fight. London 1896 Annales Annales de la Paix. Bruxelles 1892 Annual Annual report of the arbitration alliance. 2 nr. London 1896 -…
moreAlfred Nobel’s Private Library, Björkborn
Humanities Italian Fiction Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Annunzio Gabriele d’ Triomphe de la mort, trad. de l’italien par G. Hérelle. 7e éd. Paris 1896 Calmann Lévy Blasi Pio Pro Infantia. Publicazione del Comitato promotore della società nazionale di protezione per l’infanzia per cura del dottor Pio blasi. Ill.…
moreAlfred Nobel’s Private Library – Electricity and Electrotechnology
Sciences Electricity and Electrotechnology Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Ayrton W. E. Practical electricity. A laboratory and lecture course. Ill. 6th ed. London 1891 Cassell & Co Borchers W. Elektro-Metallurgie. Die Gewinnung der Metalle unter Vermittlung des elektrischen Stromes. 2:te verm. und völl. umgearb. Aufl. Ill. Braunschweig 1896…
moreAlfred Nobel’s Private Library, Björkborn
Humanities Norwegian Fiction Name First name Title, subtitle etc. Place of publ. Year Publisher Bjørnson Bjørnstj. Digte og sange. Kbhvn 1870 Gyldendalske Bjørnson Bjørnstj. Digte og sange. 3:e udg. Kbhvn 1890 Gyldendalske Bjørnson Bjørnstj. En fallit. Skuespil i fire handlinger. 3:e opl. Kbhvn 1888 Gyldendalske Bjørnson Bjørnstj. Fortaellinger. Bd 1-2. 4:e udg. Kbhvn 1893 Gyldendalske…
moreCarl Wennerström (1820-1893)
A captain in the Naval Engineering Corps, engineer and businessman. Together with , he put up the capital for the formation of Nitroglycerin Aktiebolaget. He and Captain J. A. Berg were owners of Wennerström & Berg, engaged in stonecutting and similar operations “for which prisoners assigned to hard labor may be used, in accordance with…