Nadine Gordimer – Interview
Interview transcript Nadine Gordimer, Nobel Literature Laureate 1991, welcome to our interview. Nadine Gordimer: Thank you. From what origins did Nadine Gordimer come to be born in a gold mining town in South Africa? Nadine Gordimer: The usual sort of background for whites in South Africa. My mother came from England and…
moreThe Nobel Banquet 1991
4 photos To cite this pageMLA style: “Photo gallery – The Nobel Banquet 1991”. Nobelprize.org. Nobel Media AB 2014. Web. 22 Jun 2018.
moreRichard R. Ernst – Biographical
I was born 1933 in Winterthur, Switzerland, where our ancestors resided at least since the 15th century. We lived in a home built in 1898 by my grandfather, a merchant. My father, Robert Ernst, was teaching as an architect at the technical high school of our city. I had the great luck to grow up,…
morePress release
Press release
15 October 1991 has decided to award the Sveriges Riksbank (Bank of Sweden) Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel, 1991, to Professor Ronald Coase, University of Chicago, USA, for his discovery and clarification of the significance of transaction costs and property rights for the institutional structure and functioning of the economy. Breakthrough…
moreAward ceremony speech
Award ceremony speech
Presentation Speech by Professor Lars Werin of the . Translation of the Swedish text. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, The economic system has an institutional structure, which we often regard as self-evident because we observe it around us every day. But it is actually peculiar and intricate. For instance, people make agreements…
moreRonald H. Coase – Biographical
My father, a methodical man, recorded in his diary that I was born at 3:25 p.m. on December 29th, 1910. The place was a house, containing two flats of which my parents occupied the lower, in a suburb of London, Willesden. My father was a telegraphist in the Post Office. My mother had been employed…
moreAung San Suu Kyi – Biographical
Since no biography was printed in 1991, this chronology has been assembled by the editor. 1942: September 6. Marriage of Aung San, commander of the Burma Independence Army, and Ma Khin Kyi (becoming Daw Khin Kyi), senior nurse of Rangoon General Hospital, where he had recovered from the rigours of the march into Burma. 1945:…