
Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture, July 18, 1906 The Development of the Hague Conventions of July 29, 1899 It will soon be seven years since the ninth Interparliamentary Conference met here in your capital city. It was a notable assembly whose participants will long remember the magnificent hospitality of Norway. Some time before that meeting the official representatives…


Nobel Lecture

Nobel Address, December 10, 1938 The Nansen International Office for Refugees On behalf of the Nansen International Office for Refugees, I have the honor to convey our greetings to the Nobel Committee of the Norwegian Parliament and our thanks for the honor and pleasure bestowed on the Office by their decision to award us the…


Acceptance Speech

Acceptance by Aristide Briand. Mr. Briand, the French foreign minister, who shared with Gustav Stresemann the Peace Prize for 1926 – awarded because of their contributions to the Locarno Pacts the year before – was not present at the presentation ceremony in Oslo on December 10, 1926. The French chargé d’affaires, J. Billebault du Chaffault,…
