Economic Sciences


Interview transcript [Thomas Sargent] Hello? [Adam Smith] Hello. May I speak to Thomas Sargent, please? [TS] Yeah, this is Sargent. [AS] Oh, hello, my name is Adam Smith, and I’m calling from, the official website of the Nobel Prize in Stockholm. Congratulations on the news…



Interview transcript [Christopher Sims] Hello? [Adam Smith] Hello. May I speak to Christopher Sims, please? [CS] This is he. [AS] Oh, hello, this is Adam Smith calling from [CS] I’m sorry I didn’t answer your previous calls but there were so many that I just…



Interview transcript [Adam Smith] Professor Mortensen, hello. This is Adam Smith, calling from the Nobel Prize website in Stockholm. [Dale T. Mortensen] Ok, you do call! I had just heard from what happens … [AS] Right, yeah! I’m glad it’s all working as it should. Grand,…



Interview transcript [Peter Diamond] Hello? [Adam Smith] Hello, Professor Diamond, this is Adam Smith calling from the Nobel Prize website in Stockholm. [PD] Mm hmm. [AS] My congratulations on the award of the Prize. [PD] Thank you. [AS] So, may I start by asking where you…



Interview transcript [Adam Smith] Hello, this is Adam Smith. [Christopher A. Pissarides] Oh, yes, hello. This is Chris Pissarides. [AS] Thank you so much for calling. So, must have been quite a day so far? [CP] Yeah! [Laughs] Amazing! I could never believe that change could…


Award ceremony speech

Professor Jörgen Weibull delivering the Presentation Speech for the Sveriges Riksbank Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel 2007 at the Stockholm Concert Hall. English Presentation Speech by Professor Jörgen Weibull, Member of the , Chairman of the Economics Prize Committee, 10 December 2007. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Honoured Laureates,…


Award ceremony speech

Professor Jörgen Weibull presenterar Sveriges Riksbanks pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne 2007 i Stockholms Konserthus. Swedish Presentationstal av Professor Jörgen Weibull, ledamot av , ordförande i Ekonomipriskommittén, 10 December 2007. Eders Majestäter, Eders Kungliga Högheter, Ärade Pristagare, mina damer och herrar, Årets ekonomipris handlar om design. Låt mig förklara. Filosofer…



Interview transcript [Evelyn Hurwicz] – Hello. [Adam Smith] – Good morning, I’m sorry to call so early. This is Adam Smith from the Nobel Foundation’s website in Stockholm. [EH] – Yes. [AS] – Would it be possible to speak to Leonid Hurwicz please? [EH] – Yes, just a moment. [Leonid Hurwicz] –…



Interview transcript [Unidentified] – Hello. [Adam Smith] – Hello, may I speak to Professor Phelps please? [Unidentified] – Who’s calling? [AS] – I’m calling from the official website of the Nobel Foundation in Stockholm, and my name is Adam Smith. [Unidentified] – Yes, ha, ha, ha.…
