Physiology or Medicine
John F. Enders – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1954 The Cultivation of the Poliomyelitis Viruses in Tissue Culture Pdf 171 kB
moreHans Krebs – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Hans Krebs’ speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1953 Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen, When I reflected on what I might say on this great occasion many thoughts and feelings came to my mind, but I do not find it easy to express them adequately. So I must ask…
moreFritz Lipmann – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Fritz Lipmann’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1953 Jeg kan ikke modstaa Fristelsen at begynde med at sige nogle Ord paa Dansk; jeg har jo tilbragt syv Aar af mit Liv i Danmark. Men jeg skal nu blive noget hojtidelig og tror nok at det kan jeg gøre bedre paa Amerikansk.…
moreHans Krebs – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Fritz Lipmann – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1953 Development of the Acetylation Problem: A Personal Account Pdf 324 kB
moreSelman A. Waksman – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture December 12, 1952 Streptomycin: Background, Isolation, Properties, and Utilization Pdf 207 kB
moreSelman A. Waksman – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Selman A. Waksman’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1952 Your Majesties, your Excellencies, Distinguished guests, Ladies and Gentlemen, I wish to take this opportunity to express my sincere appreciation to the faculty of the Caroline Institute for having conferred upon me this great honor. In honoring me, you are honoring the…
moreMax Theiler – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1951 The Development of Vaccines against Yellow Fever The study of yellow fever may be divided into two periods. The first one occurred at the turn of the century when Walter Reed and his co-workers showed by the use of human volunteers that the causative agent of this disease was a…
moreMax Theiler – Banquet speech
Banquet speech
Max Theiler’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1951 Your Majesty, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen. To have been considered worthy of receiving the Nobel Prize – the highest honor that any scientist can receive – gives me a feeling of great personal satisfaction. Such tangible evidence that my work has…
moreWalter Hess – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture, December 12, 1949 The Central Control of the Activity of Internal Organs A recognized fact which goes back to the earliest times is that every living organism is not the sum of a multitude of unitary processes, but is, by virtue of interrelationships and of higher and lower levels of control, an unbroken…