
Nobel Lecture

French Communication de M. Léon Bourgeois au Comité Nobel du Parlement norvégien, Décembre, 1922 Les raisons de vivre de la Société des Nations Messiuers, II y a quelques semaines, Mr. Branting venait à Christiania s’acquitter de l’obligation imposée à tous les titulaires du Prix Nobel de la Paix. Je m’excuse de n’avoir pu, l’an dernier,…


Nobel Lecture

English Communication to the Nobel Committee, December, 1922 The Reasons for the League of Nations Some weeks ago, went to Oslo to fulfill the obligation incumbent upon every Nobel Peace Prize laureate. I wish to offer my apologies for not having been able to do the same this last year. The state of my health…



Interview, September 2013 Interview with Ingeborg Breines, Co-President of the International Peace Bureau (IPB), Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 1910, at the Nobel Museum in Stockholm on 13 September 2013. IPB’s Ingeborg Breines’ advice to young people wanting to make a difference. IPB’s Ingeborg Breines on the future of the organisation. IPB’s Ingeborg…


Nobel Lecture

Norwegian Nobel-foredrag holdt i Det Norske Nobelinstitut den 18de maj 1909 Fredsbevægelsens organisatjon I7de maj, det var igår. Den store natjonale norske festdag. 18de maj, det er i dag. Den burde en gang blive en stor internatjonal festdag. Det er idag 10-årsdagen, siden den förste fredskonference blev åbnet i Haag. Jeg tager det som et…


Nobel Lecture

English Nobel Lecture, December 10, 1908 World Referendum Like many such legends in many nations, an old Nordic saga tells of a time when the streets were paved with gold without tempting anyone to sin, a time when human beings were good and their customs and laws mild, inspired by the spirit of wisdom. The…


Nobel Lecture

English Nobel Lecture, May 18, 1909 The Organization of the Peace Movement Yesterday was the seventeenth of May, Norway’s great day of national celebration. Today’s date, the eighteenth of May, should sometime become an occasion of great international celebration, for on this day ten years ago the first Peace Conference opened at The Hague. I…


Nobel Lecture

Swedish Nobelpris-föredrag, 10 december 1908 Detta föredrag hölls inför Det Norske Stortings Nobelkomité och en särskildt inbjuden församling i Nobelinstitutet i Kristiania den 10 december 1908, sedan årets fredspris blifvit öfverlämnadt i två lika delar, den ena till K.P. Arnoldson, som var närvarande, och den andra till Danmarks regerings representant å den för sjukdom frånvarande…
