Economic Sciences


Interview transcript – Hello? – Yes, hello. I’d like to speak to Thomas Schelling, please. – This is he. – Okay. My name is Maria Ullsten; I’m calling from Stockholm and I would like to do a recording for which is our official website. I…



Interview transcript – Hello? – Yes, I’d like to speak to Robert Aumann, please. – Yes, speaking. – Hello. My name is Maria Ullsten. I am doing a recording for which is our official website. – Okay. – So I would like…


Award ceremony speech

Professor Jörgen Weibull delivering the Presentation Speech for the 2005 Bank of Sweden Prize in Economic Sciences in Memory of Alfred Nobel at the Stockholm Concert Hall. English Presentation Speech by Professor Jörgen Weibull, Member, the Chairman of the Economics Prize Committee, December 10, 2005. Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Honoured Laureates, Ladies…


Award ceremony speech

Professor Jörgen Weibull presenterar Sveriges Riksbanks pris i ekonomisk vetenskap till Alfred Nobels minne 2005 i Stockholms Konserthus. Swedish Presentationstal av Professor Jörgen Weibull, ledamot av ordförande i Ekonomipriskommittén, den 10 december 2005. Eders Majestäter, Eders Kungliga Högheter, ärade pristagare, mina damer och herrar, Krig och andra konflikter har sedan urminnes tider plågat…



Interview transcript Professor Solow, very welcome to this interview. Professor Robert Solow: Thank you. I’m honoured to meet you. Professor Robert Solow: Yes, thank you, it’s a pleasure. Your lecture here in Lindau has been about low wage workers in high income countries. That is a typical Western World scenario. In Germany,…



Interview transcript Professor William Sharpe, most welcome to this interview. William F. Sharpe: Thank you very much; it’s a delight to be here. Very pleased to see you here. How did you react that morning, I think it would have been, when they called you and said that you had been awarded…



Interview transcript Professor Selten, very welcome to this interview here in Lindau. My very first question would really be about the day ten years back when the telephone rang and you were told that you were to be given the Economy Prize in Memory of Alfred Nobel, and you were to share…



Interview transcript Professor John Nash, very welcome to this interview. It’s an honour to have you with us. John Nash: Thank you. It has passed ten years since you received the Economics Prize. What impact has it had on your professional and maybe on your private life over the last ten years?…



Interview transcript Professor Mundell, first of all, congratulations to the reward. Professor Robert A. Mundell: Thank you. And second, you’re very welcome now to the Nobel Foundation for this discussion or conversation. You were rewarded for, in particular, having provided the basic tool of analysis or model to help us understand how…



Interview transcript Sir James Mirrlees, very welcome to this interview. We’re very happy to have you here with us. James Mirrlees: Thank you. I just want to start off with some memories from 1996, the day that you were told that you were to receive the Economy Prize. What were your thoughts?…
