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Swedish Populärvetenskaplig information Statistiska metoder för ekonomiska tidsserier Forskare använder ofta data i form av tidsserier – kronologiskt ordnade observationer – för makroekonomiska variabler när de skattar samband, gör prognoser och testar hypoteser hämtade från ekonomisk teori. Konsumtionen i ett samhälle kan t.ex. bero på total arbetsinkomst och förmögenhet, realräntor, åldersfördelning i befolkningen, osv. I…


Popular information

Swedish Populärvetenskaplig information Teorin för marknader med asymmetrisk information har under de senaste 25 åren blivit en central och forskningsmässigt mycket livaktig del av den ekonomiska vetenskapen. Modeller med informationsbrister är numera oundgängliga i forskarnas verktygslåda. Tillämpningarna är otaliga och sträcker sig från traditionella jordbruksmarknader i utvecklingsländer till moderna finansmarknader i utvecklade ekonomier. Grunden till…


Popular information

English Information for the Public For more than two decades, the theory of markets with asymmetric information has been a vital and lively field of economic research. Today, models with imperfect information are indispensable instruments in the researcher’s toolbox. Countless applications extend from traditional agricultural markets in developing countries to modern financial markets in developed…


Popular information

English Information for the Public October 11, 2000 James Heckman and Daniel McFadden have each developed theory and methods that are widely used in the statistical analysis of individual and household behavior, within economics as well as other social sciences. Microeconometrics and Microdata Microeconometrics is an interface between economics and statistics. It encompasses economic theory…


Popular information

Swedish Populärvetenskaplig information 11 oktober 2000 James Heckman och Daniel McFadden har var för sig utvecklat teori och metoder inom området mikroekonometri; dessa har fått stor användning i statistisk analys av individers och hushålls beteende, inom såväl nationalekonomi som andra samhällsvetenskaper. Mikroekonometri och mikrodata Mikroekonometrin är ett gränsområde mellan ekonomi och statistik. Det omfattar ekonomisk…


Popular information

The Nobel Prize in Chemistry 2012 In our eyes, noses and mouths, we have sensors for light, odours and flavours. Within the body, cells have similar sensors for hormones and signalling substances, such as adrenalin, serotonin, histamine and dopamine. As life evolved, cells have repeatedly used the same basic mechanism for reading their environment: G-protein-coupled…


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The Nobel Prize in Physics 2012 Serge Haroche and David J. Wineland have independently invented and developed ground-breaking methods for measuring and manipulating individual particles while preserving their quantum-mechanical nature, in ways that were previously thought unattainable. Particle control in a quantum world Haroche and Wineland have opened the door to a new era of…


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The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2012 This year’s Nobel Laureates have shown that life’s path need not be a one-way street. They discovered that the mature cells in our bodies can be turned into stem cells and regain their essentially boundless possibilities. They opened up a world of possibilities What are you going…


Popular information

The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2007 is awarded jointly toMario R. Capecchi, Martin J. Evans and Oliver Smithies for their discoveries of “principles for introducing specific gene modifications in mice by the use of embryonic stem cells” This year’s Nobel Laureates have discovered how to use embryonic stem cells to create precise and…


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The Nobel Prize in Physiology or Medicine 2011 Every day, hour, minute, and second, entire legions of tiny invaders succumb in their struggle against our immune defence. The immune system has an incredible ability to detect enemies of all kinds swiftly and to launch a suitable counterattack. But how does it all work? The 2011…
