Economic Sciences


I was born in Swansea in the Principality of Wales in September 1934 and named Clive William John Granger. The “William John” names were traditional Granger boy’s names and my mother liked the name Clive because some popular musician at the time had it. My father, Edward John Granger, and with his wife Evelyn (both…



The early years to 1975I was born Vernon Lomax Smith in Wichita, on the flat plains of Kansas, January 1, 1927 in the years leading to the Great Depression. Like many of my generation I am a product of the strange circumstances of survival, and of successes built on tragedy. This narrative is written from…


Press release

French le 9 octobre, 2002 a décidé d’attribuer le Prix de la Banque de Suède en Sciences Économiques à la mémoire d’Alfred Nobel pour l’année 2002, pour moitié à Daniel Kahneman Princeton University, USA ”pour avoir introduit en sciences économiques des acquis de la recherche en psychologie, en particulier concernant les jugements et les décisions…
