
Prize announcement

Announcement of the Nobel Prize in Literature 2022 to Annie Ernaux, presented by Mats Malm, Permanent Secretary of the Swedish Academy, on 6 October 2022. Interview about the awarded work “It’s a very strong prose, both brief and uncompromising” Following the announcement, Anders Olsson, Chair of the Nobel Committee for Literature, was interviewed…



Swedish Biobibliografi Den franska författaren Annie Ernaux föddes 1940 och växte upp i det lilla samhället Yvetot i Normandie, där hennes föräldrar drev speceriaffär och café. Hemmiljön var påver men ambitiös, där föräldrarna långsamt hade rest sig ur lägsta arbetarklass till en småborgerlig tillvaro, där minnet av det stampade jordgolvet aldrig försvann, men där man ogärna…



English Biobibliography The French writer Annie Ernaux was born in 1940 and grew up in the small town of Yvetot in Normandy, where her parents had a combined grocery store and café. Her setting was poor but ambitious, with parents who had pulled themselves up from proletarian survival to a bourgeois life, where the memories of beaten earth floors never…


Press release

Swedish Ständige sekreteraren Pressmeddelande6 oktober 2022 Nobelpriset i litteratur år 2022 Annie Ernaux Nobelpriset i litteratur år 2022 tilldelas den franska författaren Annie Ernaux, ”för det mod och den kliniska skärpa varmed hon avtäcker det personliga minnets rötter, främlingskap och kollektiva ramar”.


Press release

English The Permanent Secretary Press release6 October 2022 The Nobel Prize in Literature 2022 Annie Ernaux The Nobel Prize in Literature for 2022 is awarded to the French author Annie Ernaux, “for the courage and clinical acuity with which she uncovers the roots, estrangements and collective restraints of personal memory”.



Carin Klaesson, Content Manager of Public Programs at the Nobel Prize Museum, sat down to talk to 2021 literature laureate Abdulrazak Gurnah at the Swedish Academy in Stockholm, Sweden on 28 April 2022. In a wide ranging conversation they spoke about his journey to the Nobel Prize. Abdulrazak Gurnah, such a pleasure sitting here together…
