Banquet speech

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Honoured Laureates, Ladies and Gentlemen, One of the things that happen to people who get the Nobel Prize is that they get a lot of media attention. Many interviews. So many that I begin to feel now that I have lost the capacity for spontaneous thought. I…



English Excerpt from The Enigma of Arrival (Chapter: Jack’s Garden, page: 52-53) To see the possibility, the certainty, of ruin, even at the moment of creation: it was my temperament. Those nerves had been given me as a child in Trinidad partly by our family circumstances: the half-ruined or broken-down houses we lived in, our…



Swedish Utdrag ur Ankomstens gåta (sid. 55-57) Till och med i skapandets ögonblick stod insikten om sönderfallet klar för mig; sådan var min läggning. Denna nervösa känslighet präglade mig redan som barn på Trinidad, och den berodde delvis på familjeomständigheter – de halvt förfallna eller nergångna hus vi bodde i, de många flyttningarna, vår allmänna…


Nobel Lecture

German Zwei Welten Dies ist eine ungewöhnliche Situation für mich. Ich habe Lesungen gehalten, jedoch keine Vorträge. Leuten, die mich bitten, einen Vortrag zu halten, sage ich, dass es nichts gibt, was ich vortragen könnte – und das ist die Wahrheit. Es mag seltsam erscheinen, dass ein Mann, der seit beinahe fünfzig Jahren mit Worten,…


Nobel Lecture

English 7 December, 2001 Two Worlds This is unusual for me. I have given readings and not lectures. I have told people who ask for lectures that I have no lecture to give. And that is true. It might seem strange that a man who has dealt in words…
