Nobel Lecture

German 7. Dezember 2010 Ein Lob auf das Lesen und die Fiktion Mit fünf Jahren habe ich in der Klasse von Bruder Justiniano in der Schule De La Salle von Cochabamba, Bolivien, lesen gelernt. Es ist das wichtigste, was mir in meinem ganzen Leben passiert ist. Beinahe siebzig Jahre später erinnere ich mich noch deutlich,…


Nobel Lecture

Swedish 7 december 2010 En hyllning till läsningen och dikten Jag lärde mig läsa vid fem års ålder i Broder Justinianos skolklass på läroverket La Salle i Cochabamba (Bolivia). Det är det viktigaste som har hänt mig i hela mitt liv. Nästan sjuttio år senare minns jag tydligt hur detta magiska sätt att översätta ord…


Nobel Lecture

English December 7, 2010 In Praise of Reading and Fiction I learned to read at the age of five, in Brother Justiniano’s class at the De la Salle Academy in Cochabamba, Bolivia. It is the most important thing that has ever happened to me. Almost seventy years later I…


Nobel Lecture

French Le 7 décembre 2010 Éloge de la lecture et de la fiction J’ai appris à lire à l’âge de cinq ans, dans la classe du frère Justiniano, au collège de La Salle à Cochabamba (Bolivie). C’est ce qui m’est arrivé de plus important dans la vie. Presque soixante-dix ans après je me rappelle nettement…


Nobel Lecture

Spanish 7 diciembre de 2010 Elogio de la lectura y la ficción Aprendí a leer a los cinco años, en la clase del hermano Justiniano, en el Colegio de la Salle, en Cochabamba (Bolivia). Es la cosa más importante que me ha pasado en la vida. Casi setenta años después recuerdo con nitidez cómo esa…



Richard F. Heck: Nobel Laureate in Chemistry by Luke R. Odell and Mats Larhed Richard F. Heck was born in Springfield, Massachusetts, U.S.A. on August 15, 1931. The only son of a housewife and a salesman, he moved to Los Angeles, California at the age of eight. His passion for chemistry began in his early…



I was born on September 12, 1930, in Mukawa – a small town in Hokkaido, Japan. I attended primary school there and entered a secondary school in Tomakomai, which is home to one of the biggest paper companies in Japan. At high school, I was interested in mathematics. Consequently, when I entered Hokkaido University in…


Other resources

The Nobel Laureates , School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, UK , School of Physics and Astronomy, University of Manchester, UK   Popular science articles Geim, A. K. and Kim, P. (2008) Carbon Wonderland, Scientific American 298(4): 90–97, Chodos, A. (Ed.) (2009) October 22, 2004: Discovery of Graphene, APS News 18(9):2,   Lectures…


Illustrated information

Nobel Poster from the Nobel Committee for Physics, web adapted by Nobelprize.org Contents The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences has decided to award the Nobel Prize in Physics for 2010 to Andre Geim and Konstantin Novoselov, “for groundbreaking experiments regarding the two-dimensional material graphene”. Graphene – the perfect atomic lattice Graphene is a form of…
