Press release
Press release
English has decided that the Nobel Peace Prize for 2015 is to be awarded to the Tunisian National Dialogue Quartet for its decisive contribution to the building of a pluralistic democracy in Tunisia in the wake of the Jasmine Revolution of 2011. The Quartet was formed in the summer of 2013 when the democratization process…
moreNobels Fredspris 2015 – Pressemelding
Press release
Norwegian har bestemt at Nobels fredspris for 2015 skal tildeles den tunisiske «Kvartetten for nasjonal dialog» for dens avgjørende bidrag til byggingen av et pluralistisk demokrati i Tunisia i kjølvannet av jasminrevolusjonen i 2011. Kvartetten kom i stand sommeren 2013 da demokratiseringsprosessen sto i fare for å bryte sammen som følge av politiske drap og…
morePrix Nobel de la Paix 2015 – Annonce
Press release
French a décidé de décerner le prix Nobel de la paix 2015 au «Quartet du dialogue national» en Tunisie pour sa contribution décisive à la construction d’une démocratie pluraliste en Tunisie à la suite de la révolution de Jasmin en 2011. Ce quartet a été formé au cours l’été 2013, alors que le processus de…
morePaul Modrich – Biographical
Ancestry My knowledge of my ancestry is limited. My paternal grandparents emigrated from Croatia in the late 1800s and settled in the coalfields of southern Colorado. My father Laurence Modrich was born in 1912 in Walsenburg, Colorado and spent his early years in Ludlow, which like a number of other coal camps in the area,…
moreArthur B. McDonald – Biographical
I was born in 1943 in Sydney, Nova Scotia, Canada, a city of about 30,000 people on Cape Breton Island. My mother’s and father’s families were Scottish and French settlers who had come to Atlantic Canada in the 1700s and early 1800s. My father was a Lieutenant in the Canadian Army and left for Europe…
moreSvetlana Alexievich – Biographical
Svetlana Alexievich was born on May 31, 1948 in the Ukrainian town of Ivano-Frankovsk into the family of a serviceman. Her father was Belarusian and her mother Ukrainian. After her father’s demobilization from the army the family returned to his native Belarus and settled in a village where both her parents worked as schoolteachers. (Her…
moreNational Dialogue Quartet – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
English Nobel Lecture given by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2015, National Dialogue Quartet, delivered by Hassine Abassi, Mohamed Fadhel Mahfoudh, Abdessatar Ben Moussa and Ouided Bouchamaoui, Oslo, 10 December 2015. His Majesty, Their Highnesses, The respected members of the Nobel Committee, Ladies…