
Nobel Lecture

French Conférence Nobel, prononcé à Oslo le 11 décembre 1958 L’Amour Fraternel, Fondement de la Paix “Les hommes construisent trop de murs et pas assez de ponts.” (Newton) Chers Amis de Norvège, d’Europe et du Monde, Vous aurez la gentillesse fraternelle de comprendre que ceci n’est pas un discours, mais un message, un message du…


Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1957 The Four Faces of Peace I cannot think of anything more difficult than to say something which would be worthy of this impressive and, for me, memorable occasion, and of the ideals and purposes which inspired the Nobel Peace Award. I would like, at the very beginning, to pay my…


Acceptance Speech

George C. Marshall’s Acceptance Speech on the occasion of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, December 10, 1953. On 10 December in the university Aula, just as Marshall was accepting the prize from Dr. Hambro, vice-chairman of the committee, some communist journalists interrupted the ceremony, dropping leaflets from the balcony and shouting,…


Nobel Lecture

French Conférence Nobel, le 4 novembre, 1954 Le Problème de la Paix Pour sujet de la conférence que l’attribution du prix Nobel de la Paix m’impose comme un honneur redoutable, j’ai choisi le problème de la paix, tel qu’il se pose aujourd’hui. Je crois agir ainsi dans l’intention du fondateur de ce prix, qui s’était…


Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1950 Some Reflections on Peace in Our Time In this most anxious period of human history, the subject of peace, above every other, commands the solemn attention of all men of reason and goodwill. Moreover, on this particular occasion, marking the fiftieth anniversary of the Nobel Foundation, it is eminently fitting…


Nobel Lecture

Nobel Lecture, December 12, 1949 Science and Peace The award of the Nobel Peace Prize is an international event of the first importance. It arouses the interest of the people of all countries and focuses attention on the objects of the organization or the views of the individual selected to receive this great honour. It…


Acceptance Speech

Lord Boyd Orr’s Acceptance Speech, on the occasion of the award of the Nobel Peace Prize in Oslo, December 10, 1949 Your Majesty, Mr President, Ladies and Gentlemen, no one standing in the position I am in this day, could be otherwise than embarrassed by grave doubts of being worthy to receive this Nobel Peace…



by Øyvind Tønnesson, Peace Editor, 1998-2000 Mohandas Gandhi (1869-1948) has become the strongest symbol of non-violence in the 20th century. It is widely held – in retrospect – that the Indian national leader should have been the very man to be selected for the Nobel Peace Prize. He was nominated several times, but was never…



Fridtjof Nansen: Scientist and humanitarian by Asle Sveen In the summer of 1922, the last of the German and Austria-Hungarian soldiers who had been in Russian captivity after the First World War were shipped home across the Baltic. On the return voyage, the ships carried the last Russian prisoners-of-war from Germany. Altogether, over 400,000 prisoners…
