Ramos-Horta – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
José Ramos-Horta delivering his Nobel Peace Prize lecture at the award ceremony at the Oslo City Hall in Norway, 10 December 1996. Nobel Lecture, December 10, 1996 Suas Majestades, Honoráveis Membros do Comité Nobel da Paz, Senhores Presidentes, Senhores Primeiros Ministros, Excelências: Com vossa permissão as minhas primeiras palavras serão na lingua de Camões, Fernando…
moreAdolfo Pérez Esquivel – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
English Nobel Lecture, December 11, 1980 Members of the Nobel Committee, Brothers and Sisters, I come before you, having just received the Nobel Peace Prize from so prestigious an academy, in order to share a reflection about my continent and our struggle. I would like to give thanks to everyone for the invitation to speak…
moreAdolfo Pérez Esquivel – Nobel Symposia
Nobel Symposia
Interpreter’s note This is a live recording of members of AIIC, the International Association of Conference Interpreters, interpreting simultaneously at the Nobel Centennial Symposia. It is not intended to be a literal or definitive translation of the proceedings.
moreAdolfo Pérez Esquivel – Nobel Lecture
Nobel Lecture
Spanish Conferencia Nobel el día 11 de diciembre de 1980 Sres miembros del Comité Nobel, Hermanos y Hermanas, Vengo aquí, luego de haberme sido otorgado por tan prestigiosa academia el Premio Nobel de la Paz, para compartir una reflexión sobre mi continente y nuestra lucha. Quisiera antes que todo agradecer la invitación que me fuera…
moreAdolfo Pérez Esquivel – Acceptance Speech
Acceptance Speech
Spanish Discurso en Oslo al recibir el Premio Nobel de la paz Majestad, Altezas, Señoras y Señores Con humildad estoy ante Ustedes para recibir la alta distinción que el Comité Nobel y el Parlamento otorgan a quienes han consagrado su vida en favor de la PAZ, de la promoción de la JUSTICIA y la solidaridad…
moreTale av Thorbjørn Jagland
Norwegian © THE NOBEL FOUNDATION 2012 General permission is granted for the publication in newspapers in any language. Publication in periodicals or books, or in digital or electronic forms, otherwise than in summary, requires the consent of the Foundation. On all publications in full or in major parts the above underlined copyright notice must be…
moreSpeech by Thorbjørn Jagland
English © THE NOBEL FOUNDATION 2012 General permission is granted for the publication in newspapers in any language. Publication in periodicals or books, or in digital or electronic forms, otherwise than in summary, requires the consent of the Foundation. On all publications in full or in major parts the above underlined copyright notice must be…