

Interview transcript [Takaaki Kajita] Hello. [Adam Smith] Oh hello, my name is Adam Smith, I’m calling from, the official website of the Nobel Prize. Congratulations on the award of this year’s Nobel Prize. [TK] Thank you very much. [AS] How did you hear the news?…



Interview, January 2022 On 27 January 2022 Arthur McDonald was joined by 12 students from all over the world and from different disciplines within science for a conversation on the topic of being a scientist. Among the questions to McDonald were how he ended up in science, why he choose neutrinos, what keeps him…


Banquet speech

Eure Majestäten und Ihre Königliche Hoheit, hocherfreute Preistäger, werte Gäste, Lange ist’s her. Mitte September 1964 traf sich in der Nähe Stockholms, nämlich in Sigtuna, die „Gruppe 47”, eine Vereinigung deutschsprachiger Schriftsteller, die sich nach Ende des Zweiten Weltkrieges gefunden hatte; oder besser: die der Einladung des Schriftstellers Hans Werner Richter gefolgt…


Minutes before a Nobel Prize is announced, the Nobel Prize laureate is called and told they have been awarded the Nobel Prize. These calls can come at unexpected times and reach Nobel Prize laureates in unexpected places. Here are some recollections of those special moments when the ‘magic call’ came through. “Who’s the schnook this…
