

Transcript of the interview I’m very pleased to have an opportunity to interview you, John Polanyi, at the Lindau meeting of the Nobel prize winners this 50-year anniversary. And John, you have a family background that I think is slightly unusual from other Laureates I’ve interviewed. Your father was a very famous…



Interview transcript Dudley Herschbach, we are sitting here in your office in the chemistry department at Harvard, where you’ve been since 1963 when you became professor here. Dudley Herschbach: Yes, although I was here earlier as a graduate student as well, I got here in 1955 as a graduate student. Exactly, you’re…


Nobel Lecture

English Nobel Lecture given by the Nobel Peace Prize Laureate 2015, National Dialogue Quartet, delivered by Hassine Abassi, Mohamed Fadhel Mahfoudh, Abdessatar Ben Moussa and Ouided Bouchamaoui, Oslo, 10 December 2015. His Majesty, Their Highnesses, The respected members of the Nobel Committee, Ladies…
