
Nobel Lecture

Jimmy Carter delivers his Nobel Lecture. © Pressens Bild AB 2002, S-112 88 Stockholm, Sweden, tel: +46 (0)8 738 38 00. Photo: EPA Scanpix Norway POOL/Bjoern Sigurdson Nobel Lecture, Oslo, December 10, 2002 Your Majesties, Members of the Norwegian Nobel Committee, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, It is with a deep sense of gratitude that I…


Award ceremony speech

Presentation Speech by Gunnar Berge of the , Oslo, December 10, 2002. Translation of the Norwegian text. Your Majesties, Excellencies, Ladies and Gentlemen, and – not least – this year’s Laureate, Jimmy Carter: In one of his volumes, the Norwegian poet Kolbein Falkeid writes: Do not hang splendid moments up on the walls in your…



Transcript from an interview with Muhammad Yunus, 2006 Nobel Peace Prize Laureate, on 12 December 2006. Interviewer is Marika Griehsel, freelance journalist. First of all, welcome to this interview. Muhammed Yunus: Thank you. I’m very honoured to meet you. What did you think when the phone…



Nobel Prize Talks: Muhammad Yunus Released 2014-05-28 Rather than ask whether people are ‘creditworthy’, should we ask whether banks are ‘peopleworthy’? Muhammad Yunus, awarded the 2006 Nobel Peace Prize, sees a capitalist system where the rich get richer while large parts of the world’s population live under difficult conditions. In this conversation he talks about…



John Boyd Orr (September 23, 1880-June 25, 1971) was born in Kilmaurs, Ayrshire, Scotland. His father, R.C. Orr, was a pious and intelligent man whose sudden enthusiasms led to frequent reversals of fortune, but, although his finances were often depleted, he and his wife and their seven children enjoyed a pleasant life in their rural…
