The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 1953

A Summary

While the rain poured down outside on a gloomy afternoon in Stockholm, 10 December 1953, inside the Stockholm Concert Hall the lights glittered on a festively dressed audience including the Swedish Royal family: King Gustaf VI Adolf, Queen Louise, Princesses Sibylla and Margaretha and Prince Bertil. The Nobel Laureates entered the scene. After Birger Ekeberg delivered his presentation speech, each Nobel Laureate was introduced and the Prize awarded. Professor Erik Hultén introduced the Physics Nobel Laureate, Frits Zernike; the Chemistry Nobel Laureate, Hermann Staudinger, was introduced by Professor Arne Fredga; Professor Einar Hammarsten introduced the Nobel Laureates in Physiology or Medicine, Hans Krebs and Fritz Lipmann; and author Sigfrid Siwertz spoke for the absent Nobel Laureate in Literature, Sir Winston Churchill; Lady Clementine Churchill received the Nobel Prize on behalf of her husband.

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MLA style: The Nobel Prize Award Ceremony 1953. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Wed. 17 Jul 2024. <>

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