Joshua D. Angrist


Nobel Prize Conversations

“I never stop thinking about my work”

Joshua Angrist believes that to be a good labour economist, you should have had some real life job experience. In this podcast episode, conducted in May 2022, Angrist tells us about his disinterest in school and how as a teenager he was more interested in earning money and maintaining his car. His later surprising and instant connection with economics led him to dedicate his life to his research: “I never stop thinking about my work.”

He also speaks about being awarded the 2021 prize in economic sciences and speaks about how the award has affected his life; “It was wonderful to win the Nobel Prize but I am the same guy I was on October 10th.”

The host of this podcast is’s Adam Smith.

Nobel Prize Conversations was produced in cooperation with Fundación Ramón Areces.

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MLA style: Joshua D. Angrist – Podcast. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Sun. 30 Jun 2024. <>

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