François Mauriac


Selected works in French
1. Novels and stories
L’enfant chargé de chaînes. – Paris : Grasset, 1913
La robe prétexte. – Paris : Grasset, 1914
La chair et le sang. – Paris : Emile-Paul, 1920
Préséances. – Paris : Emile-Paul, 1921
Le baiser au lépreux. – Paris : Grasset, 1922
Le fleuve de feu. – Paris : Grasset, 1923
Génitrix. – Paris : Grasset, 1923
Le mal. – Paris : Grasset, 1924
Le désert de l’amour. – Paris : Grasset, 1925
Coups de couteau. – Paris : Trémois, 1926
Un homme de lettres. – Paris : Lapina, 1926
Conscience, instinct divin. – Paris : Emile-Paul, 1927
Thérèse Desqueyroux. – Paris : Grasset, 1927
Destins. – Paris: Grasset, 1928
Le démon de la connaissance. – Paris : Trémois, 1928
Dieu et Mammon. – Paris : Capitole, 1929
Trois récits. – Paris : Grasset, 1929
Ce qui était perdu. – Paris : Grasset, 1930
Le næud de vipères. – Paris : Grasset, 1932
Le mystère Frontenac. – Paris : Grasset, 1933
La fin de la nuit. – Paris : Grasset, 1935
Les anges noirs. – Paris : Grasset, 1936
Les chemins de la mer. – Paris : Grasset, 1939
La Pharisienne. – Paris : Grasset, 1941
Le sagouin. – Paris : La Palatine, 1951
Galigaï. – Paris : Flammarion, 1952
L’agneau. – Paris : Flammarion, 1954
Un adolescent d’autrefois. – Paris : Flammarion, 1969
2. Poetry
Les Mains jointes. – Paris: Falque, 1909
L’adieu à l’adolescence. – Paris : Stock, 1911
Orages, 1925
Le Sang d’Atys, 1940
3. Plays
Asmodée, 1938
Les Mal-Aimés, 1945
Passage du malin, 1948
Le Feu sur la terre, 1951
4. Autobiography and journals
Bordeaux. – Paris : Emile-Paul, 1926
Mes plus lointains souvenirs. – Paris : E. Hazan, 1929
Commencements d’une vie, 1932
Journal. – 3 vol. – Paris : Grasset, 1934-1940
Le Cahier noir. – Paris : Editions de Minuit, 1943
Mémoires intérieurs, 1959
Journal, 1932-1939. – Paris : Table Ronde, 1947
Journal. – Paris : Flammarion, 1953
Ce que je crois. – Paris : Grasset, 1962
Nouveaux mémoires intérieurs. – Paris : Flammarion, 1965
Mémoires politiques. – Paris : Grasset, 1967
5. Essays and journalism
Petits essais de psychologie religieuse. – Paris : Société Littéraire de France, 1920
La vie et la mort d’un poéte. – Paris : Bloud & Gay, 1924
Le Jeune Homme. – Paris : Hachette, 1926
Proust. – Paris : Lesage, 1926
La Province. – Paris : Hachette, 1926
La rencontre avec Pascal; suivi de L’Isolement de Barrès. – Paris : Editions des cahiers libres, 1926
La vie de Jean Racine. – Paris : Plon, 1928
Le Roman, 1928
Le Jeudi-Saint. – Paris : Flammarion, 1931
Souffrances et bonheur du chrétien. – Paris : Grasset, 1931
Le Romancier et ses personnages, 1933
Vie de Jésus, 1936
Sainte Marguerite de Cortone. – Paris : Flammarion, 1945
Du côté de chez Proust. – Paris : Table Ronde, 1947
Mes Grands hommes. – Monaco : Editions du Rocher, 1949
La mort d’André Gide. – Paris : Estienne, 1952
Paroles catholiques. – Paris : Plon, 1954
Bloc-notes, 1952-1957. – Paris : Flammarion, 1958
Le nouveau bloc-notes, 1958-1960. – Paris : Flammarion, 1961
De Gaulle. – Paris : Grasset, 1964
Le nouveau bloc-notes, 1961-1964. – Paris : Flammarion, 1968
Le nouveau bloc-notes, 1965-1967. – Paris : Flammarion, 1970
Le dernier bloc-notes, 1968-1970. – Paris: Flammarion, 1971
La paix de cimes : chroniques, 1948-1955. – Paris : Bartillat, 1999
Works translated into English
The Kiss to the Leper / translated by James Whitall. – London : Heinemann, 1923
Thérèse / translated by Eric Sutton. – London : Secker, 1928
The Desert of Love / translated by Samuel Putnam. – New York : Covici, Friede, 1929
Destinies / translated by Eric Sutton. – London : Secker, 1929
The Family/ translated by Lewis Galantière. – New York : Covici, Friede, 1930
Suspicion / translated by Harold F. Kynaston-Snell. – London : Nash & Grayson, 1931
Maundy Thursday / translated by Harold F. Kynaston-Snell. – London : Burns Oates & Washbourne, 1932
Vipers’ Tangle / translated by Warre B. Wells. – London : Gollancz, 1933
God and Mammon / translated by Bernard Wall and Barbara Wall. – London : Sheed & Ward, 1936
Life of Jesus / translated by Julie Kernan. – London : Hodder & Stoughton, 1937
Asmodé, or The Intruder / translated by Basil Bartlett. – London : Secker & Warburg, 1939
The Eucharist : the Mystery of Holy Thursday / translated by Marie-Louise Dufrenoy. – New York : Longmans, Green, 1944. – (Republ. As Holy Thursday, 1991)
Woman of the Pharisees / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1946
Thérèse: A Portrait in Four Parts / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – New York : Holt, 1947
Saint Margaret of Cortona / translated by Bernard Frechtman. – New York : Philosophical Library, 1948
The Unknown Sea / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1948
The Desert of Love and The Enemy / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1949
Great Men / translated by Elsie Pell. – London : Rockliff, 1949
Proust’s Way / translated by Elsie Pell. – New York : Philosophical Library, 1950
The Knot of Vipers / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – Andover : Eyre & Spottiswode, 1951
That Which Was Lost and The Dark Angels / translated by J. H. F. McEwen. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1951
The Frontenac Mystery / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1952
The Little Misery / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1952
The Loved and the Unloved / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – New York : Pellegrini & Cudahy, 1952
The Stumbling Block / translated by Elsie Pell. – New York : Philosophical Library, 1952
Letters on Art and Literature / translated by Mario A. Pei. – New York : Philosophical Library, 1953
The Mask of Innocence / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – New York : Farrar, Straus & Young, 1953
Flesh and Blood / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1954
The River of Fire / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1954
The Lamb / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1955
Words of Faith / translated by Edward H. Flannery. – New York : Philosophical Library, 1955
Lines of Life / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswode, 1957
Questions of Precedence / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1958
September Roses / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : John Lane, 1958
Mémoires intérieurs / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1960
The Son of Man / translated by Bernard Murchland. – Cleveland : World, 1960
The Stuff of Youth / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1960
Second Thoughts : Reflections on Literature and on Life / translated by Adrienne Foulke. – Cleveland : World, 1961
Young Man in Chains / translated by Gerard Hopkins. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1961
What I Believe / translated by Wallace Fowlie. – New York : Farrar, Straus, 1963
Anguish and Joy of the Christian Life / translated by Harold Evans. – Wilkes-Barre, Pa.: Dimension, 1964
The Holy Terror / translated by Anne Carter. – London : Cape, 1964
De Gaulle / translated by Richard Howard. – London : Bodley Head, 1966
The Inner Presence : Recollections of My Spiritual Life / translated by Herma Briffault. – Indianapolis : Bobbs-Merrill, 1968
Maltaverne / translated by Jean Stewart. – London : Eyre & Spottiswoode, 1970

The Swedish Academy, 2007

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