George H. Whipple

Banquet speech

George H. Whipple’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in Stockholm, December 10, 1934

Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen:

To this distinguished company I wish to express my most sincere appreciation not only for the Nobel Award but for the generous hospitality and friendly interest shown Mrs. Whipple and myself. For generous words of praise I wish to express personal appreciation and remind you that my work was made possible by the loyal aid of my colleagues – especially Drs. Robbins and Hooper. I am sure I may bring words of greeting to the Nobel Committee from the many workers in the field which lies in the border land between physiology, pathology and medicine. They have told me by word, letter and telegram of their pleasure and the stimulus coming to them through the Nobel Award in this field.

One who comes to Stockholm under such pleasant circumstances cannot fail to speculate about Alfred Nobel. I have learned much about him and have some conception of the respect and affection in which he is held in this country as well as in other countries. Alfred Nobel had vision and idealism and used his great wealth to promote health and happiness for his own people and all mankind. He had a vision of international understanding and strove toward this goal with strong purpose. I wish to assure you of the high esteem in which he is held in my country. His wishes have been carried out loyally by the Nobel Committee without local or political considerations and their decisions are made only after exhaustive study and world wide investigation. For this reason the Nobel Awards are respected all over the world and no higher distinction can come in recognition of scientific endeavour.

I come to this assembly in a very humble spirit but in time I hope to justify the confidence of the Nobel Committee by continuance of my work with hope for future accomplishments. Any investigator is indeed fortunate who can contribute a tiny stone to the great edifice which we call scientific truth.

I wish again to thank you all for your hospitality and generous reception, for my wife and myself, with all my heart.

From Les Prix Nobel en 1934, Editor Carl Gustaf Santesson, [Nobel Foundation], Stockholm, 1935

Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 1934

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