NO has many Clinical Applications

Today it is known that NO is also an important signalling molecule outside the cardiovascular system and has become a useful tool in the practice of medicine:

 Neurons in the brain

NO can enhance the olfactory sense No is released in increased quantities in inflammation, a fact that can be used for diagnostic purposes
NO is important for signalling between nerve cells in the brain


NO is involved in the normal defence against bacterial and parasitic infections
NO initiates erection of the penis by dilating blood vessels
NO can be inhaled to specifically treat high blood pressure in the lungs of newborns
  Photo by Tommie Lindberg

Alfred Nobel
suffered from angina pectoris and was prescribed nitroglycerine. In a letter to a friend he wrote:

  “It sounds like the irony of fate that I have been prescribed nitroglycerine internally. They have named it Trinitrin in order not to upset pharmacists and the public.

Your affectionate friend,

A. Nobel”

To cite this section
MLA style: NO has many Clinical Applications. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Sun. 30 Jun 2024. <>

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