Robert F. Furchgott

Curriculum Vitae

Robert F. Furchgott, born June 4, 1916 in Charleston, South Carolina, USA
Address: Department of Pharmacology, Box 29, SUNY Health Science Center, 450 Clarkson Avenue, Brooklyn, NY 11203, USA
Academic Education
1937 B.S., Chemistry, University of North Carolina
1940 Ph.D., Biochemistry, Northwestern University
Appointments and Professional Activities
1956-88 Professor, Dept of Pharmacology, State University of New York
1988- Distinguished Professor, State Univ of New York Health Science Center
1962-63 Professeur invité, Institut de Physiologie, Université de Genève
1971-72 Visiting Professor, School of Medicine, Univ of California, San Diego
1980 Visiting Professor of Pharmacology, Medical Univ of South Carolina
1980 Visiting Professor of Pharmacology, Univ of California, Los Angeles
1988- Adjunct Professor, Dept of Pharmacology, Univ of Miami School of Medicine
Fellowships and Awards
Honorary doctorates from the Universities of Madrid, Lund, Gent, North Carolina
Goodman & Gilman Award, 1984
CIBA Award for Hypertension Research, 1988
Gairdner Foundation Intern. Award, 1991
Roussel-Uclaf Prize for Research in Signal Transduction, 1993
Wellcome Gold Medal, British Pharmacological Society, 1995
Albert Lasker Basic Medical Research Award, 1996

The Nobel Assembly at the Karolinska Institute

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MLA style: Robert F. Furchgott – Curriculum Vitae. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Sun. 30 Jun 2024. <>

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