Andrew Z. Fire

Banquet speech

Andrew Z. Fire’s speech at the Nobel Banquet in the Stockholm City Hall, 10 December 2006.

Your Majesties, Your Royal Highnesses, Ladies and Gentlemen

Perhaps some of you know of a somewhat obscure poetic tradition that has been handed down through the many generations of life on the American frontier.  If not, please prepare yourself for a “top ten list” that has been composed for the occasion.

Top Ten Reasons for The Return of 2006 Nobel Laureates to Stockholm during the First Week of December 2036.

10. (and certainly least likely).  To receive an unprecedented 31st consecutive Nobel Prize in one’s field of expertise…

9. To observe as one’s great-great-great grandchild, having with a remarkable set of equations solved the problems of aging, time travel, and responsible investment, is awarded simultaneous Nobel Prizes in Physics, Chemistry, Physiology or Medicine, and Economics.

8.  To observe (on a quick side-trip to Oslo) as one’s former Nobel Attaché is awarded the Nobel Peace Prize for their outstanding career with the Swedish Foreign Ministry.

7. To observe one (or several) of one’s former students from the currently-underdeveloped world receiving a prize for their efforts in the newly formed (and generously funded) international consortium on research.

6. To observe the awarding of the newly-announced “Culinary Achievement Prize in Honor of Alfred Nobel” to the room service chef from the Grand Hotel.

5. To finally observe the beauty of Stockholm covered with snow.

4. To bask and swim in the 30C warmth of Stockholm’s recently developed winter beach resorts.

3. To pursue the many productive scientific collaborations begun during one’s original 2006 visit to Swedish Universities.

2. Because Sweden really knows how to throw a party.

1. Because we and our families have so much enjoyed the wonderful people, land, and traditions or Sweden we learned about on our first trip to your country.

Thank you, all, for hosting this wonderful event.

Copyright © The Nobel Foundation 2006

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