Elizabeth H. Blackburn


Nobel Prize Conversations

“The way you do science should have an intrinsic beauty to it”

In this conversation, conducted in October 2021, Elizabeth Blackburn speaks openly about the value of science and how better to engage others in its importance – and beauty. Also up for discussion is our current climate crisis, as Blackburn has just been to Antartica and witnessed the severe consequences of the world’s climate change. Last but not least, she speaks about the future of science and the future of her own research.

The host of this podcast is nobelprize.org’s Adam Smith.

Nobel Prize Conversations was produced in cooperation with ZEIT-Stiftung.

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To cite this section
MLA style: Elizabeth H. Blackburn – Podcast. NobelPrize.org. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Sun. 30 Jun 2024. <https://www.nobelprize.org/prizes/medicine/2009/blackburn/podcast/>

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