Sir Austen Chamberlain

Acceptance Speech

Acceptance by Jospeh Austen Chamberlain.

The Peace Prize for 1925, reserved in that year, was awarded on December 10, 1926, half of it to Sir Austen Chamberlain, the British foreign minister, and half to Charles Gates Dawes. In Sir Austen’s case, the prize recognized his work on the Locarno Pacts of 1925. Since he was not present at the award ceremony in the Norwegian Nobel Institute at Oslo, Sir Francis O. Lindley, Great Britain’s minister in Oslo, accepted the prize for him. Sir Francis read the following telegram from Sir Austen:

“I should like you to express to the Chairman of the Nobel Committee my deep appreciation of the honor just done me by this award.

I had the good fortune to have, in my work, the collaboration of two statesmen both remarkable for the magnanimity of their spirit, for the independence of their judgment, and for their love of peace. Without their help I would have been able to do nothing. My feeling of gratitude for the award acknowledging my part in the common effort is heightened by the fact that the Committee has recognized in the same manner the important roles played by Mr. Briand and Mr. Stresemann. The outstanding work of the Dawes Committee, which preceded us, greatly facilitated our task, and I am proud to be associated with the distinguished American statesman whose name will always be remembered in connection with the great work of European reconstruction.”1

Sir Austen did not deliver a Nobel lecture.

1. Translated from the French text in Les Prix Nobel en 1926.

From Nobel Lectures, Peace 1901-1925, Editor Frederick W. Haberman, Elsevier Publishing Company, Amsterdam, 1972

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