Credits and References for the 1997 Chemistry Nobel Poster





Solgerd Björn-Rasmussen and Margareta Wiberg Roland, The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences.

Prof. Anders Liljas, Lund University, Member of the Nobel Committee for Chemistry and Dr. Lars Hederstedt and Dr. Salam Al-Karadaghi, Lund University.

Layout and illustrations:
Kjell Lundin, Explicare AB.

Printed by:
Tryckindustri 1997.

Jilly Wendell and Lars Kruse.

Copyright © The Royal Swedish Academy of Sciences, Information Department, Box 50005, S-104 05 Stockholm, Sweden, Tel. +46-8-6739500, Fax +46-8-155670, Email:

Web Adapted Version:

Every effort has been made by the publisher to credit organizations and individuals with regard to the supply of photographs and illustrations. The publishers apologize for any omissions which will be corrected in future editions.


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MLA style: Credits and References for the 1997 Chemistry Nobel Poster. Nobel Prize Outreach AB 2024. Sat. 6 Jul 2024. <>